Youth Group Parental Consent Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. What is the child’s full name? *2. What is the child’s date of birth? (DD/MM/YY) *3. Who is the child´s parent or guardian? *4. What is the child´s parent or guardian relationship to the child? *FatherMotherAuntUncleGrandmotherGrandfatherother5. What is the home address? *6. What is the postcode? *7. What is the home phone number?8. What is the mobile phone number? *9. What is the email address? *10. Does the child have any allergies or special needs that we should be aware of(If yes, please specify)? *11. Could you give us more detail about any allergies or special needs of your child that we should be aware of? * sticking or What 12. What is the name of the child’s doctor?13. In case of an emergency, who should we contact? Please, write down the full name *14. What is the phone number of the emergency contact person? *15. I am happy for my child to walk home on their own *YesNo16. Please provide any additional information about your child that we should be aware of. *The child named above is in good health and I consider him/her capable of the activities taking place. I agree to him/her taking part in youth activities. In the event of an accident, I consent to any necessary medical treatment which might include the use of paracetamol sachets or sticking plasters. In an emergency I consent to treatment by medical health professionals, if considered necessary. *I agreeI disagreeI also give permission for photos/video for local promotion to be taken. (children will not be identified by name) *I agreeI disagreeSubmit